Passport employee’s award to benefit OVEC’s Head Start

By The Staff
Friday, March 23, 2012 at 3:00 am       (Updated: March 23, 3:06 am)

Marcelline Coots, one of the first individuals to be hired at Passport Health Plan in 1997, has been named the 2012 Making A Difference award winner by the Association for Community Affiliated Plans (ACAP), and that’s going to benefit the Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative’s Head Start program.

She was selected from a pool of candidates submitted by the national organization’s 57 affiliated health plans located throughout 27 states. ACAP serves more than 10 million Medicaid and CHIP members across the country.

In her honor, ACAP is presenting a $500 donation to her charity of choice, OVEC, in a ceremony Wednesday at the cooperative’s office on Alpine Drive in Shelbyville.

Coots, whose daughter attends  Christian Academy of Louisville, serves on the advisory council and community board of the OVEC.

She is the main member outreach event planner for Passport Health Plan and has participated in or planned numerous special events.

“Marcelline embodies the mission of Passport Health Plan – to improve the health and quality of life of our members,” Passport Health Plan CEO Mark B. Carter said in a press release announcing her award. “She’s done things like learn to drive a truck for some of Passport’s large outreach events. That’s the kind of commitment that Marcelline has demonstrated every day during the length of her service here, and I’m delighted that she is being recognized in this manner.”